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Jan 24Liked by Lauren Smith

Coming in with that truth bomb about savasana. I was not ready for that!

I appreciate your embrace of ease and softening. I can relate to the feeling that "ease" is like an excuse to be lazy. Changing jobs--and especially being between jobs--really highlighted how much I valued DOING things and feeling productive every day. I'm still learning to separate my self-worth from what I produce each day or what I accomplish, and it's hard. I have to remind myself to have gratitude for the slower pace of my current work and to not think of it as a failure on my part (that I'm not doing enough) but rather a much healthier work-life balance. It's a daily struggle though, heh. Might have to steal your mantra of "things take how long they take" as a reminder to permit the slow-down.

Shoutout to the Queen of Ease. <3 All hail the queen.

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