Sep 4Liked by Lauren Smith

Something I loved in August is a S'more! I don't usually rave about them, but Jon and I enjoyed a chillier-than-usual night on the deck with a fire and yummy S'mores and it was absolutely perfect. :D Something I'm trying so hard to be better at the second, third, etc. time around is setting and keeping my freelance deadlines. Not the deadlines set by clients, but my "internal" deadlines, like progress markers. I recently completed two large projects and found that setting smaller deadlines was a game-changer for me. In the past, I would live with the final to-client deadline, and it would HAUNT me for months as I tried to chip away at the project. Now, bite-sized deadlines give me a sense of accomplishment I had previously been unfamiliar with and it's a much nicer feeling than dread, heh. Best of luck this school year!!

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YES! I love a bite-sized deadline, and love having an opportunity to miss it and still hit the real one. This is how I do my to-do lists for my weekly tasks, too; I started that in January of last year in order to preserve some of my sanity, and the difference it made was REMARKABLE. Love this! And love s'mores (equally in process and taste).

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I’ve thought about repetition in an entirely new way thanks to parenting a toddler. In all of my learning/student experiences I always expected myself to understand immediately and be good at things the first time. Nothing like raising a tiny human to see that none of us start out good at things! But through repetition, we can build skills. Something I want for myself is to value repetition more and have kinder expectations for myself in learning and doing things for the first time. It’s hard! But worth it.

Love reading your writing, as always!

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A piece of feedback I got this week was to choose one thing and do it a million times until I am good at it and the kids are good at it. This feels like very strange advice and counterintuitive to what I'm used to doing in the world of high stakes testing, but it was very helpful. Practice makes progress and all of that!

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